Compassionate Christmas

Educate a village

The children who grow up in Nsanganiza, a small mountain top village in rural Malawi, survive off small plots of land–growing crops like tomatoes, corn, and cassava. There are many days when they will only eat one meal a day. Most struggle to attend school due to school fees their parents cannot pay. The deep poverty and harsh realities of life in Nsanganiza led us to open the Nsanganiza Care Center. Five days a week, village children join us for Bible stories, prayers, and lessons in English and math to prepare them for primary school. They receive breakfast and lunch, including protein, twice a week.

There are over 100 children coming to our center each day. All of them thankful for the promise of a meal. All of them eager to learn.

Please help us keep their bellies and minds full this Christmas!

Redson and Maryam Makwinja
CRI Missionary Partners in Malawi

NCC Kid’s Pack

Provides essential food and school supplies for children at the Nsanganiza Care Center.

Sponsor a Child

Ensures monthly care for an NCC child including food and education.

Support the Makwinjas

CRI Missionary Partners in Malawi
Give any amount!