Compassionate Christmas

War-Torn Children

The villages near my home and ministry in Kalaymyo, Myanmar have experienced devastating losses due to ongoing military conflict. Many children have lost parents and grandparents and now seek refuge at our SCA compound. We’ve welcomed them in and enrolled the kids in our Shalem Christian Academy. Despite their young age and trauma, these children show great resilience and a strong desire to learn.

In recent months, more than 30 children and families have sought help, and more are coming!

Let’s help more families in need! This Christmas you can give a gift of compassion to those who have lost everything. 

Lian & Lunnu Thang
CRI Missionary Partners in Myanmar

Displaced Family Help

Provide food and blankets for displaced families.

Gift of a Bible to a Displaced Family

Provide spiritual support to displaced families

Support the Thangs

CRI Missionary Partners in Myanmar
Give any amount!