Compassionate Christmas


2 Trees

Trees provide shade for livestock, reducing heat stress and improving their well-being. We need dozens!

A Flock of Chickens

Did you know that a pair of chickens can lay over 400 eggs in a year?
$20 / Share of a Flock $5

Alan & Melody Pieratt

Anita Frederick


Give Bibles and Bible study resources in the language of those who need them most.
1 Bible $12 / 10 Bibles $120

Books for CAIT Seminary

Access to a robust library is essential for theological education.

Braxton Beemer

Build a Church

Help us build a place of worship and community for believers in the Deep Forest.
$9000 / Share of a Deep Forest Church $100

Care Packet for Project Life Widows

Includes mosquito net, blanket, rice, oil, and a medical kit.

Carlitos Muniquina

Caryn Barnett

Clean Water

Provide clean, safe drinking water for an entire community by digging a Deep Forest water well.
$5000 / Share of a Deep Forest Well $100

Dairy Farm Land

Contribute to purchasing the farm land we currently rent for more profitability! The 3-acre farm we currently rent is for sale for $150,000.  
$100 / Share of the Land $25

Displaced Family Help

Provide food and blankets for displaced families.

Elizabeth Nieves