Brighter Together

Even Heroes
Need Help

"The heroes we work with are in a different class. They don’t kick footballs; they change lives."

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Brighter Together

Even Heroes
Need Help

"The heroes we work with are in a different class. They don’t kick footballs; they change lives."

By Founder, Alan Pieratt

Here at Children's Relief, we partner with heroes who lighten the load and brighten the lives of their people.

When I was a teenager, my hero was a kicker who held the record for the longest field goal in NFL football. I admired him. So much so that I had my dad erect a set of practice poles in a field by our house. My success in football was not like his, but I did learn the meaning of hard work and discipline to achieve a good outcome.

The heroes we work with are in a different class. They don’t kick footballs; they change lives.

Carlitos Muniquina is an example. He directs our Tessa Grace nutrition program in Mozambique. When he started, about 50 babies were dying each month in his village and surrounding area because of malnutrition.

Today, through his partnership with us, that number hovers around zero. Carlitos is relentless in his work to keep that number low.

Lian and Lunnu Thang are another. They run a Christian tutoring school and boarding house in Myanmar. When civil work broke out in their country, they had to quickly move their family across the border into India. They took many of their students with them. It was a harrowing undertaking. But he is now back in Myanmar and these students have a chance for a better future.

Heroism comes from within. But even heroes need help. None of our heroes could lighten the load or brighten the lives of their people without your gifts.

In all our giving, we remember the one true Hero at Christmas. If you are like me, you will want to give Him a gift again this year. And when you do, we will become brighter together.

Alan Pieratt, PhD, MNM
Founder, Children’s Relief International