Brighter Together

Teach the Children

For all your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.  Isaiah 54:13


Brighter Together

Teach the Children

For all your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.  Isaiah 54:13

School Supplies

School supplies, books, and uniforms are expensive yet essential for learning and participation in school.

Tutoring and Scholarships

Tutoring and vocational training offer the extra push students need to believe they can have a bright future. Your gift will provide hope and opportunity that makes all the difference.

Empower Girls

Three-quarters of all school-age children (129 million) who never set foot in school are girls. With limited income and the daily work of collecting water and caring for siblings and the elderly, the girls are stuck at home. And in parts of Uganda where we work, many are sold as child brides—keeping them from receiving an education. Your gift will provide the financial support needed to help girls enroll and stay in school.

Sponsor a Child

We have children and students around the world who need someone to sponsor them monthly.  Could you be that someone?

Become a Monthly Sponsor: Visit

Sponsorships are $40 a month.