Brighter Together

Share Medical Care

O Lord my God, I cried for help, and you have healed me.  Psalm 30:2

A group of villagers getting medicine under a tarp

Brighter Together

Share Medical Care

O Lord my God, I cried for help, and you have healed me.  Psalm 30:2

Medical Care

CRI care providers share medicine, counsel, and attend to those suffering from illnesses like malaria, cholera, malnutrition, and emergency medical needs. In some places, we provide the only medically-trained professionals in the region.

Emergency Medical Care

Joaquina has cancer and while her prognosis is not great she has a measure of peace that is nothing short of supernatural. She knows medical bills will not entirely level her family. She knows her children will have food to eat each night while she is away getting treatment. How is she able to have this kind of peace?

Christians in Mozambique and the West are caring for her and her family. And her family, who are not all believers, are watching. Her neighbors are watching. Her children are watching. What they witness in Joaquina is formative and bright and will leave a long-lasting impact. Perhaps some will choose to love Jesus as Joaquina does?

When we provide for the emergency needs of the sick we are also creating an opportunity for the light of Christ to be felt by an entire community.