Brighter Together

Love Moms
and Babies

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.  Isaiah 66:13

A mother sitting and holding her young child

Brighter Together

Love Moms
and Babies

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.  Isaiah 66:13

Feed Babies

Malnutrition is the cause of 50% of all childhood deaths under the age of 5. Tessa Grace Nutrition provides mothers of malnourished babies and toddlers with a nutrition-rich miracle-mix powder that can be stirred into warm milk, porridge, and soups. The additional nutrition and weekly health monitoring by Tessa Grace caregivers are the difference between life and death for these little ones.

Love Moms

The stress and worry of mothers with sick babies are palpable. Tessa Grace cares for these mothers through prayer, health education, Bible studies, and food distributions. Your gift of compassion helps moms with the little things that make all the difference in finding peace and hope—food, safety, warmth, and medicine.

Sponsor Tessa Grace Babies

It takes anywhere from 6 months to three years to help a baby gain the healthy body and mind they need to survive and thrive. Our Tessa Grace caregivers are committed to seeing our babies and mothers reach this place.