Brighter Together

Generate Income

Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.  Proverbs 14:4

A basket of eggs to be sold from a farm

Brighter Together

Generate Income

Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.  Proverbs 14:4

Hope Farm

Hope Farm provides care and counsel to HIV widows and orphans. Your gift of fruit trees and chickens will generate sustainable income to help minister to the vulnerable.

Project Life Launch Microloans

Provide small microloans to HIV affected widows and orphans who have completed vocational training and plan to start small businesses. Your gift will equip them to take the next step toward something that has never felt possible—financial stability.

Generate Income with Animals

Sometimes miracles come with snouts, horns, and feathers!

Water Buffalos

More milk production generates more profits to support our Word and deed ministries in partnership with the “G” Brothers. The gift of a water buffalo means sustainable income for a life-changing ministry.

Legacy Gift of Land

Our goal is to see profits from milk sales support ministry rather than pay rent. Purchasing 3 acres or 14,450 yards of land will take rent down to ZERO. The generous hearts of many—giving what they can—will make this purchase of land possible. Give the legacy gift of land!


Goats can survive and thrive in the harshest environments and will eat just about anything! Your gift of a goat will provide calcium, protein, and vitamins for families, plus an income opportunity if and when the time comes to sell.

Chickens & Pigs

Did you know that within a year, a pair of chickens can lay around 400 eggs and that the average pig can have up to 4 litters of piglets? Both provide food, income, and fertilizer. Your gift of chickens and pigs is a gift that will keep on giving!