Brighter Together

CRI at a glance

Two young girls standing in front of a long building

Children’s Relief International is a Christian nonprofit whose mission is to share the light of Christ with the poor of our time in Word and deed.

Brighter Together

CRI at a glance

Children’s Relief International is a Christian nonprofit whose mission is to share the light of Christ with the poor of our time in Word and deed.


Where do my donations go?

Gifts in our Compassionate Christmas Catalog illustrate goods and services used by CRI’s ministries and programs. Designated contributions will be applied to those ministries and programs and to the administration of the gifts.

CRI's Missionaries and Partners know the intimate needs of the poor within their reach. Your gifts will be delivered to the local churches and communities they are a part of.

A large CRI chart

How are giving amounts selected?

While we attempt to base gift amounts on real costs that have been requested to help any given ministry, they are truly
suggested gift amounts. Any amount given will be deeply appreciated.


*All Gifts are Tax-deductible by law. Undesignated contributions will be applied to our ministries and up to 10% may be used for the administration of the gift. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that CRI has complete control over the use of the donated funds.