Compassionate Christmas 2024

CRI at a glance

Sharing the light of Christ with the poor

Our journey as an organization began when Alan and Melody Pieratt returned from a decade of missionary service in Brazil. While on furlough in late 1999, they felt called to start a mission working among the poor and enabling native missionaries with a heart for their people.

The first meeting of the board of directors took place in March of 2000. Since then, CRI has grown from one ministry in Mozambique to more than a dozen, from one staff member to more than 50, and from one program that delivers aid to more than 20.

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Happy Kids
total fund Raised

Did you know CRI has resources for your family?

our mission and vission

Nam ultrices odio a felis lobortis convallis. In ex nunc, ornare non condimentum et, egestas vel massa. Nullam hendrerit felis quis pellentesque porttitor. Aenean lobortis bibendum turpis et auctor. Nam iaculis, lectus vulputate cursus interdum.

Nam ultrices odio a felis lobortis convallis. In ex nunc, ornare non condimentum et, egestas vel massa. Nullam hendrerit

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Frequently Asked questions

Where do my donations go?

Gifts in our Compassionate Christmas Catalog illustrate goods and services used by CRI’s missionaries, partners, ministries, and programs. Designated contributions will be applied to those missionaries, partners, ministries, and programs and to the administration of the gifts.

Items were selected by CRI’s missionaries and our partners. Every single donations, regardless of the amount, is deeply appreciated and makes a significant difference in the work.

*All gifts are tax-deductible by law. Undesignated contributions will be applied to our ministries and up to 10% may be used for the administration of the gift. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that CRI has complete control over the use of the donated funds.